Tuesday 18 January 2011

Stone mines in Kenya

Here are a few photographs of the stone mines in Kenya, the guys get the stone out of the rocks with only primitive tools, they work incredibly hard for very little money, and yet they produce stunning stone ornaments. I gave them some signed photographs of Liverpool players and you would have thought I had given them the world.

Thursday 13 January 2011

Africa day 4

Was up by 3am to go to the soap stone mines, I will post photographs & video over the week end. These people work so incredible hard, cutting the stone out with only very basic tools. You will get a better idea when I post the photographs and video. The guy who paints and finishes the stone ware for me is named David, although he works here in Nairobi his family is hundreds of miles away. We called in to see them on our way to the mines, (took us four hours to get there) he has a new baby 4 days old and I was privileged enough to name him, yes you guessed his name is now Kevin.

Africa day 3

Had to get a taxi to go and meet the ladies who are making some of my jewellery, I have NEVER in my life had such a crazy driver. Most roads here are nothing more than dirt tracks, very few road signs and what few there are are completely ignored. My driver Chows thought his only mission in life was to see how many drivers he could cut up, and lets face it why stop at stop signs or red lights when you can go through them even though there are cars, vans and buses in front of you. And then again why stick to a 30 mile an hour speed limit when you can just as easily go 70.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Africa Day 2

I am meeting some ladies later today who make stunning jewellery, they are closely connected to 29 orphanages here in Nairobi. I am hoping I can do business with them. Here on my own until Friday night when my sister and brother-in-law come to join me, yes it is very daunting.

Have to get up at 3am tomorrow as I am going to the mines where the stone for the stone products is collected. I will have two escorts on this trip and we will not get back to Nairobi until very late at night. Will be able to down load photographs and video soon.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

African Adventure Day 1

Arrived in Nairobi last night very good trip. Weather is boiling hot. Bought some amazing hand crafted jewellery today. I will have to see what delights I can pick up tomorrow.

Sunday 9 January 2011

African Adventure

Hi All well I am now packed and ready to get to the airport to start the first leg of my journey

African Adventure

Hi my company is African Dream and I import and distribute high quality African products.
I am off to Africa to not only source new products to add to an already extensive range, but to visit two orphanages and take them lots of items, including football strips, pens, pencils etc.

African Dream was set up after the tragic death of my husband Kevin who died while we where on holiday in Cape Town. I  now travel all over Africa buying straight from the artist who receives a fare price for his craft and you get a product of exceptional quality. I will be posting lots of photographs and video of my trip, please follow me in my next adventure.